
Has anyone used the Papasan swing???

I was wondering if anyone has used the Fisher Price Papasan swing and liked it? It is half off tommorow at BRU and I have been eyeing it for a little while. The problem is that it runs on batteries and pluggin it in isn't an option. Will I go broke buying batteries? Thanks for any advice, Marcie

Re: Has anyone used the Papasan swing???

  • We bought one used off craigslist and LOVE it! Get rechargable batteries - TRUST ME!!!?

    I still use it everyday for naps. ?

  • We have a nature's touch fisher price papasan swing and the boys LOVE it.  Surprisingly, I think we've only changed the batteries about 3 times and they are 8 months old and we use it pretty much every day.  Just go to Costco and get the 12 pack of D batteries!
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  • That is the one I registered for. How do you know it will be on sale tomorrow?
  • You are in Boston too. Which store?
  • This is the one we have and i absolutely love it!! I HIGHLY recommend it! They love to sit in it for a nap, and its great because it can rock the two ways, has a little mirror above them (that they giggle and smile at themselves in), also the spinning critters, and tons of great soothing sounds!

    Mason napping in it


    It also has the play area you can add or remove


     And like i said they love the mirror. As soon as they could smile i always caught them smiling at themselves in it. It was so adorable. I still use it everyday.



    P.S. You will want to get rechargable batteries! we have only used the large pack of D batteries from Costco, but im still wishing we had just went ahead and gotten recharable. ether way is fine though, its pretty good on batteries.

  • Somebody put a link on here yesreday for a flyer for a one day sale. I would assume it's at any store-I will go tothe one in Framingham. They had a bit of ther stuff on sale too. -Marcie
  • We had this one at my parent's house for my daughter and she absolutely LOVED it, it was a fantastic swing! I have never found that we needed too many batteries for any of the fisher price swings we got, it has always taken awhile for them to die out!
  • 100% love it. The girls nap in them all the time, and sometimes Audrey doesn't want to be rocked to sleep, but I can put her in and she's out like a light. I then transfer her to the crib.
  • we have one similar to this one and you can plug it in.?

  • We had one (all three swings we had were loaners from friends) and I liked it. (I mean, the boys liked it. Ha ha!) I honestly don't even remember changing the batteries THAT often. But rechargable are always a good idea.
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  • We have 2 of them and use it all the time and we really do not go through batteries that often, I would buy it.
  • I have the starlight one.  It can use batteries or plug into the wall.  That was a big deal to be able to plug it in.  Here's the link.



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