Hello ladies, I got on tonight to post an update to the 2nd tri board, but thought I might stop in here as well as I figure I will be here a lot in the next few months. Here is my story; c&p'd from my blog. Any thoughts, hopes and prayers are greatly appreciated.
So yesterday morning I woke up and went downstairs to use the potty. When I wiped, I found that there was bright red blood all over the tp. Thankfully Ryan was home so I just started screaming and crying for him to come downstairs. I called the on call # and we immediately left for the hospital. They got me all checked in and into an exam room, and then they were able to find Dawson's heart rate and everything seemed strong. They then decided to do an internal exam, but when they did that they found I was already dialated to 10 cm and my bag was exposed, then they did the ultrasound and Dawson was head down.
They immediately moved me to a delivery room and determined that I would be having Dawson TODAY. Ryan and I were both a little panicked, but that staff was great in explaining what we were doing and why. They then had to break my water, but the minute the bag was out of the way, my cervix retracted and they then had to wait for me to re-dialate. Thennnnn I wasn;t getting there fast enough and when Dawson's heart rate began to decline, they decided a c-section was imminent.
We moved into the delivery room and they gave me my drugs, and Dawson arrived at 10:36am, at 1lb 11oz, 12 inches long. After they got him stabilized in the delivery room they were able to move him over to the RNICU, where he will probably stay until his original due date.
They are pretty optimistic in their diagnosis. At this point Dawson is doing well, but we are just taking it one day at a time, and taking all the prayers we can get.
They still do not know what sent me into labor, they did send my placenta to the NICU for additional testing as well. They say may we never know or we might find out, they are just not to sure.
Right now DH and I are just overwhelmed. Raw at the emotions of the unknown and just praying and hoping for the best. I am going crazy from racking my brain about what I didnt see, or may have done wrong, and at the amount of worry that I have for someone so small and new to me. But now my heart beats for him, and I know that he is my world from this moment on. Just please pray, at the safe arrival HOME for our son, whenever that may be.
Re: XP: new here
oh goodness...i'm so sorry that you had to go through such a scary time. ?this board is amazing and you'll get incredible support from knowledgeable women who "get it". ?the nicu will be a long roller coaster ride, take the ups and downs by supporting each other and celebrating the mini-milestones (first time holding, first diaper change, first bath). ?i'll keep you and your family in my prayers. welcome to the world baby dawson! and congrats mommy. ?my 26 weekers are doing so well today. ?i count my blessings each and every day and still can't believe how far we've come in a year.
First of all Congratulations!
Take things a moment at a time, things can be up and down in the NICU, and it can be very hard. We are all here for you and understand like no one else will. I will be praying for your little Dawson.
that delivery story sounds very scary, im sorry you had to go through it like that. mine was very similar.
sending you positive thoughts. take good care of yourself so you can make good decisions about your baby. sleep, eat and take a break from the hospital when you can.
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
First, congratulations on the birth of you baby boy Dawson! I'm so sorry for the scary cirmumstances (many of us have been there) but I will hope and pray that Dawson stays healthy and keeps growing and growing! Take care of yourself and each other and let us know if we can do anything!
Welcome little Dawson! And congratulations on his birth! You have an amazing story, and I can imagine that you and your family are still in a state of shock over it all.
If you haven't found a copy in the NICU yet or been given a copy, you might want to check out Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies. This book does wonders at explaining all the NICU jargon and what you might expect and experience while in the NICU. It has a lot of stuff that may not ever apply to Dawson's NICU stay, but you can always pick and choose what parts you read as his NICU rollercoaster journey plays itself out.
I hope that you have a relatively easy NICU ride. Feel free to ask anything and everything as the questions come to you. Based on some polls I posted on here over the weekend I can say that there is almost certainly someone on this board who has been through something similar and will have some advice! We're a diverse group ... with equally diverse preemies.
Good luck!
Congratulations on the birth of your son... and welcome to the board.
Sorry everything was so traumatic.
Please let us know if you have any questions. My son was a 26weeker but IUGR so he was really small (1lb 7oz) Sounds like yours is a good size, which is good!
Hang in there, momma.
My Blog
Congrats on your little boy. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please come to this board if you have any vents, worries, breakdowns, etc. The women here are fantastic.
Please keep us updated.
This is our fifth 24 weeker in a month or so!! What is in the freakin' water?!
Congrats Mama and as a fellow preemie mom of a 24 weeker please look to my siggy for a picture of my very happy and healthy one year old. He spent 4 long months in the NICU, but is doing wonderful! I hope your 24 weeker has the same success my DS had.
Good luck and make sure you keep us updated on his status. This board is a great resource and support group!
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14