I have GOT to get 15 lbs. off of me....that and a whole lotta FLAB. But I need some motivation!
That...and I have to kick my stupid sweet tea addiction.
Working out is kicking my butt...I hardly have time and by the time I get around to it, I am just too tired....ugh. Since 5 wks pp, I have run only once, maybe twice a week.....totally not even worth mentioning, huh?
I am thinking about doing weight watchers, but have no clue where to start? And I am bfing, so not sure how that would work....I don't want my supply to suffer, especially since Mr. Man will NOT take a freakin' bottle!
Okay ladies....motivate me! Anyone done ww while bfing successfully?
Re: Okay, I need motivation ladies...
I've just over 54 lbs. doing WW. They have a program you can follow while you are bf. I like WW and I find they have great motivators.
Hey Monica! Your sig is absolutely PRECIOUS. I just love it of both of them.
I just joined AnnapolisLari's WW group. You get extra points since you are BFing. If you want additional info about it, email me or send me a facebook message. I have lots of websites with info and I created an excel spreadsheet since I didn't officially join (too cheap!)
Whenever I can't get motivated to exercise, I start with walking. Grab your double stroller and head to the park and start walking 3 miles a day. It will make you feel better, and give you motivation to work out more.