
POLL: Does YH love his job?

MH is obsessed with his job-- he loves it so much and probably spends 18 out of every 24 hours thinking about it (which is good b/c it's a startup and needs lots of love). ?But it's annoying b/c he works ALL THE TIME-- even when he's home.

What about yours??

Re: POLL: Does YH love his job?

  • My DH is working on his PhD, so he eats, sleeps, breathes work and even when he's with us, he's often not "with us."  I'm glad, though, because  if he weren't as into it as he is it wouldn't be worth all we're giving up for him to do this.
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  • he loves his job - but turns it off when he comes home- and rarely ever works late.  He loves his family time more than working... but thankfully also has a job he loves going to each day (i'm the same way).

    when you have a startup it's not just a job - it's a passion and something you really can't turn off from your mind - DH used to have a startup with his brother and back then he was like your DH.  thankfully it got too big and DH's legal services were not enough for the startup - so he left and now is in a corporate legal setting.

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  • imagepenguingrrl:
    My DH is working on his PhD, so he eats, sleeps, breathes work and even when he's with us, he's often not "with us."? I'm glad, though, because? if he weren't as into it as he is it wouldn't be worth all we're giving up for him to do this.

    I am finsihing my PhD, and I totally know what you mean-- you HAVE to feel like that, I think, to finish this arduous journey :)?

  • He is a golf pro. Enough said.
  • He HATES his job.  His old position which he loved was taken away from him 2 years ago due to budget cuts.  He is now on the road with their drivers telling them how to do things differently on their route.  But, his schedule is always changing.  He has to get up at ungodly hours (tonight it is 2:45 am).  And he rarely ever works less than a 13 hour day. 

    But at least he has a job, so we don't bitchandmoan too much.  

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • He loves his job to some extent - but it is high stress and he is hoping to retire in the next 10 years. He is in finance and is a huge dork about/loves all things numbers, stocks, Excel and power point, but the hours are starting to wear on him.
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  • We actually both do the same work.

    I hate it.  Its a career I would have found exciting when I was 16 and chose my major, but now I find it so boring. 

    DH, on the other hand, seems very into it.  He reads blogs that talk about it.  BO-RING. 

  • imageaugust0605bride:

    My DH is working on his PhD, so he eats, sleeps, breathes work and even when he's with us, he's often not "with us."  I'm glad, though, because  if he weren't as into it as he is it wouldn't be worth all we're giving up for him to do this.

    I am finsihing my PhD, and I totally know what you mean-- you HAVE to feel like that, I think, to finish this arduous journey :) 

    Congratulations to you!!!  I'm so glad he's doing this because he's happier than I've ever seen him and that makes it all worth it!  Even when he's done, I know it won't slow down because he wants to remain in academia and I think being in love with work is just part of the culture!

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  • No.  He finds a lot of the work interesting, but the long hours and BS that come with it make it pretty unpleasant for all of us.
  • not so much right now, up till about a year ago he LOVED it but he Hates his boss right now and is really wanting to make a change.
  • coktcokt member
    He does it to make a living, but if we didn't need him to work, he wouldn't. He doesn't hate it though. He is a dentist-how passionate can you really be about teeth anyway?
  • My DH has been a cop for 21 years and truly loves his job, believes he's working to protect society, blah blah blah. He doesn't love the people he works with right now, but he would be a shell of a man without his career. To a large extent, he's never off-duty. If we're driving to the grocery store and he sees something suspicious, he'll call the station and ask them to send someone out - but he doesn't actually make the stop on his own.

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  • Dh is a software engineer..and yes he truly loves his job.  He works for a small, but very well run company.  They really spoil there employees and treat them well.  He works on computer projects all day long, but he doesn't like dealing with the customer service complaints.  He's one of those men that just expects you to get it automatically because he does.  I'm lucky he loves his job because he brings in most of the money.
  • imagecokt:
    He does it to make a living, but if we didn't need him to work, he wouldn't. He doesn't hate it though. He is a dentist-how passionate can you really be about teeth anyway?

    My DH is going to school to be a dentist and he calls himself a "tooth geek".  He loves working in dentistry (has been working in offices for years) and can't wait until he can do it officially.  

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  • ZenyaZenya member
    I don't think he LOVES it.  But he likes it well enough and he's very diligent. 
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  • REOMREOM member
    Yes he does. He likes working in NYC, works with great people getting his computer enginerd on in the entertainment field.
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  • imageDevonPow:
    He loves his job to some extent?- but it is high stress and he is hoping to retire in the next 10 years. He is in finance and is a huge dork about/loves all things numbers, stocks but the hours are starting to wear on him.


    ditto this 100%.?

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • The word "love," doesn't even come close to explaining what my DH feels about his job.  He IS his job.
  • Nope, he only stays because he makes such good money.
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