
Induction tonight - fingers crossed! Wish me Luck!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the information that I have gotten so far from this board over the last 8 months.

At my growth u/s this morning, they feel that Baby B is lagging behind and cord flow is becoming resistant so they are going to start induction process tonight. She's doing okay in terms of passing all her biophysicals but just needs to get out and be a feeder/grower on the outside now. Their size difference went to over 30% since the last u/s.

I'm grateful we made it to 37 weeks so the risks are very low.

Amazing to think that they will be out tomorrow - excited & nervous at the same time! Thanks again!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 4/9/09 - Chloe, our angel twin Lilypie First Birthday tickers>

Re: Induction tonight - fingers crossed! Wish me Luck!

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