
If you were really really sick during pregnancy

When you already had one DC specifically, what were you able to do?

Did you have to have childcare 100% of the time so you could lie around and puke or did you just fight it out, let the kid watch DVD's a lot, figure out activities that you could supervise while lying on the couch, etc.

No I am not pregnant.  Just asking. . . I swear there is a purpose.

imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography

Re: If you were really really sick during pregnancy

  • As much as I hate to admit it, DD watched a lot of TV in the first trimester. By the second trimester she was "fake" puking in the toilet because she had seen me do it so much. It was hard, it passed.
  • I was fairly sick and very tired from week 7-13.  Honestly, R basically just sat in front of the TV most of the time or we read books/colored which didn't really involve me moving off the couch.  I did take her to Gymboree, and the grocery store, and she has 1/2 day of daycare one day a week.  Besides that, we didn't really do much.

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  • Well, I only have one DC, but I had hyperemesis during my pregnancy and there were many days where I couldn't  even take care of myself - DH had to take off work a couple days and came home at lunch to check on me the others.  I don't know what i would have done if I had another DC to look after during that time - we don't have any family nearby.  BUT, luckily, I was able to get on  medication that finally helped me to at least be functional to some degree.  At that point, I could have let an older DC just watch TV and try to get by. 
  • I took Zofran and B6 and unisom around the clock just so I could function.  But, I still layed on the couch most of the day.  I always had a plastic bag in my purse and a trash can nearby at home.  Around 17 weeks, I got much more functional, still never went anywhere without my plastic bag though.
  • As for my kids, there basic needs were met, but not much else.  And, yes, they watched a ton of TV.
  • I've been pretty sick, both with a wicked sinus infection, then with bad morning sickness. My dad owns his own company, so his schedule is flexible. He's come to get DD a bunch of times and take her out and about so she isn't bored, which is a lifesaver. Other than that, we watch videos and play a lot of "quiet games" and do puzzles. DH has been good about coming home right away too.

    Its a delicate balancing act, but it works. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • I took Zofran from week 9 straight through and even took it the day I delivered.  I also carried plastic bags, ate lemon drops, saltines and I never missed a day of work which was huge because I teach and I would have to send for coverage.  Thankfully the Zofran worked but I was nauseous constantly.  I didn't have any other kids.
  • I wouldn't sayI was really really sick, but i did have quite bad all day sickenss up until about 15 weeks.  Pretty much we just got by.  DS watched some TV, he plays pretty well independently so I did a lot of supervising from the couch.  I did what I could and that was all I could do. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • TV and Zofran saved my life!
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