

Im sorry if I offended you in the post below.  That was not my intention.  BUT in that given situation I would not be the one raising my boys as I wouldnt see them at all during their waking hours with the exception of weekends.  See contract time that you have to me on campus is 8-3,  the drive time without traffic would be an hour each way.  Given the dirrection of travel I would be doing it would be heavy traffic.  I would have to leave the house by 6am.  This would also be my first year and in CA there is a thing called BTSA that you have to do for your first 2 years.  That would keep me at school longer.   Not to mention planning, meetings, correcting, grading, and all the other stuff that comes along with being a teacher.  Then the traffic home.  I would easily be out of the house from 6am-7 or 8pm.  DH would be the one dropping them off at daycare and picking them up.  They are in bed by 7.  So you see why I say I would not be the one raising them.  providing for them yes but I would be a weekend mom. 
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Re: weemodin

  • It does sound like a rough schedule, and I understand your hesitation with returning to work. 

    Nonetheless, I disagree that you wouldn't be the one raising them.  I have a fundamental problem with anyone who says that using childcare means that someone else is "raising" your children.  It's a loaded statement, and it is simply not true.  I know this persionally -- on average, during the week I see my kids for about an hour a day, two if I'm lucky.  Some days I don't see them; I am a lawyer and work long hours.  I work late; they go to bed early.  That said, I am still raising them.  They are learning my values -- not the nanny's.  If they are sick and need to be comforted, I am there for them.  They know who mom is, and who dad is.  My husband and I make the rules by which our household is governed; the nanny follows them.  The kids love her, and have a great relationship with her, but she is not raising them.  She is taking care of them during the day.

    When your children are school-aged, will you say that the school is raising them since they will spend more waking hours at school than at home?

  • more is one thing not at all is another. 
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  • I guess my point is this:  I'd avoid using that sort of phrasing because many working women fundamentally disagree that they are not raising their own children.

    I think for your situation, if you don't really need the money to get by, your mind is made up.  You should not take that job.  Perhaps you could get a part-time job more locally, or apply to private schools if you need to work or want experience?  I know the job market for teachers in CA is horrendous right now.  My SIL just finished her post-bach teaching degree in Marin County, and she is terrified about her job prospects.  She's even had trouble finding work as a sub, and she graduated from a higly-regarded program.

    I don't think this will be your only chance to use your degree.  Wait until something that works better for your family comes along.

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