
Joining a pool and tennis club: wwyd?

On one hand, I want to join b/c then I'll have something to do with the kids everyday, and Harry can take tennis lessons (how freaking cute is that?)

On the other hand, will it be a huge PITA to take a 3 y/o and a 1 y/o to the pool by myself? ?I feel like Harry won't be content in the baby pool all day, but he'lll be super dangerous in the big pool, especially if I am hauling around the baby.

Also, I worry about sun damage. ?My brothers and I literally lived at the country club all summer long when we were little, but we did'n't know any better about the evils of the sun. We wore sunscreen on our noses, but that was it-- can you imagine??

WDYT? ?Wait a couple of years? ?Join and have a great summer? ?Just go in the early morning/late afternoon and avoid peak sun hours??

Re: Joining a pool and tennis club: wwyd?

  • I bet Harry would have fun at the baby pool.  I know my DS would rather play in the shallow pool because he can do more, KWIM?  And you can buy suits with rash guards to help protect from the sun. 

    I say join and have a wonderful summer outdoors!

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  • I'm a little freaked about taking my 3 (almost 4)  year old and my 1 year old to the pool by myself, but I decided that the best I can do is almost try it.  Our pool has a wading pool area - where they can just walk in and it gradually gets deeper.  I think DS will know his limits and as long as I keep an eye on him, he'll be ok.  That will free me to chase after the toddler.  Plus, I think they'll like to play together.

     As far as skin damage - we'll go in the mornings - like from 10-12 and then DD will nap at home.  Or meet daddy there in the evenings.  And I usually have DS wear a rash guard so it's only his arms, legs and face that are exposed.  Last year, I had DD in a little two piece where the top was more like a shirt - for that same reason. 

    Any chance you can do a trial week or even day to see how it goes?

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  • We're members of our neighborhood's country club and it was hard for me to take DS by myself.  I just had to watch him VERY closely.  Packing a bag for the two of us and making sure we had all the sunscreen we needed, etc. was a chore...but DS always had fun when we went.  Now that DD has been born, I won't attempt to take the two of them by myself.  We just built a pool in our backyard, so it's not an issue now.  If I were you, I'd join and just either take another adult along with you or set some ground rules for the 3 yr. old about staying in the shallow end, wearing plenty of sunscreen, etc.  Have fun!
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