
I'm going to try to make this negative a positive.

I'm going to be positive about the whole TTC thing.  I'm going to take this opportunity to get healthy and drop a few pounds.  I'm going to get the IF ball rolling with the doctor's office, but maybe we won't even need that appointment.  Maybe it will be my first prenatal consult appt instead. 

Where this positivity came from, I have no idea, but I kind of like it.

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: I'm going to try to make this negative a positive.

  • Good for you.  Positive thoughts will always outweigh the negative. 
    Big Brother Logan Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Baby Miles Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • good job :)

    I heard a nestie give this advice the other day-- for every month that you're TTC, take out the amount you'd spend on extra insurance, daycare for an infant, formula/diapers/wipes, etc, and put it in a savings acct. ?When the baby comes, you'll have AT LEAST 9 months of these epxpenses saved and more if it takes longer to get pregnant-- that's a hell of a nest egg!!

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  • Aw, I take it that you tested bfn :o

    Good for you to take it as a positive.  I like the op's advice!  And keep trying!

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Good for you girlfriend. I am sure it is so tough. I really feel for you. Dropping some weight is a great goal. GL and best wishes.
  • being positive and proactive is the best thing you can do!

    make that RE appt - you might not need it- but if you do - you've got it and will feel good getting the ball rolling with someone that does nothing but getting people pg all day long. I know i felt a lot better after i left the RE's office knowing we had a plan in place.

    baby dust and positive vibes coming your way!!!

  • My grandpa always says you can solve anything with PMA (positive mental attitude).  He's a big nerd, but it does work. :)

    I hope things work out for you soon!  My fingers are crossed!

  • Good attitude.   When things don't work out the way I wish, I always remind myself that everything has its own season and time.    And it helps.   I wish you lots of luck and like I told BostonMama, January 2010 is where its at!

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