My kids are driving me BONKERS today!!!! Okay, so they're being really cute right now chasing each other around the kitchen island, but the rest of the day they've been climbing and jumping all over me, hitting me with blocks, shutting the doors on the TV unit, drinking each others' milk, hitting, pushing and tripping each other... I'm ready to flip a lid.
I think a lot of my angst comes from the fact that I'm developing an ear infection and I have RAGING PMS, so I am just at my witt's end anyway, and I just want them to be quiet and play nicely and STOP POOPING for a couple fo hours. Is that too much to ask!?!??? Argh!
Anyway, I don't expect sympathy or anything - who hasn't been there, right? I just wanted to vent b/c DH isn't home for a few hours and I don't know if I can make it. I might have to curl up on the couch and turn on Noggin and throw some Baby Mum Mums on the floor and let them all fend for themselves. SIGH...
Oop - Gotta run. One DD is eating a cat hair tumbleweed and oldest DD just tripped DS causing him to slam his forehead into the hardwood in the kitchen. Rad.
Re: NMR - Just whining
I'm jealous. I wish I could be home with the kids. My MIL just told me that she made my DD's share a fruit for lunch today rather than give them their own. I can't stand it!!!!! She absolutely refuses to feed my kids! It makes me insane. My girls come home starving at night. I don't know what her problem is or why she just doesn't get it. ARGH! Sorry to make your vent into my vent.
I feel for you.
boy! you make me glad i work!
(kidding. i'm slightly envious, i'll confess.)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
You know, it's funny b/c I always said I wanted to be a SAHM; my mom was and I loved having her there as I was growing up. BUT, when I said I wanted to SAH with my kids I was thinking 2, maybe 3 at the most, all spread out 2 or 3 years apart. I am slightly envious that you are at work, LOL
I call those little cat hair balls-"tumbleweed"as they blow across the hardwood. That is funny I don't know anyone else that used that term.
Good luck sista'-you know relief you get when you put them down for bed-tonight you will be downright giddy.
Your post reminded me of a special on the Dilley sextuplets that aired a long time ago. The dad would just dump Cheerios on the floor for snack time. He said they all ended up there anyway!!
I can relate to sometimes just needing a break. Being a SAHM is awesome, but adult conversation/contact is definitely a nice treat.
1st. I'm gonna slip you a little Midol and some antibiotics.
2nd. I love that you said 'rad'. My sorority nickname was Rad Tapper
3rd. I'm going to be just south of you in August---
We're visiting MIL in Hollis! Now c'mon. If knowing that we'll be within minutes of each other doesn't make your day better, I fear nothing will. :-p
I just love that you used the word rad.
God bless the SAHM!!