
Profile album

I just got word from our agency that our albums arrived and they are perfect! They said they are the best they've seen in a long time...I'm not tooting my own horn - my point is I used It was so easy, so fun, modestly priced and the customer service was great. I would recommend them to anyone.

Re: Profile album

  • Thanks! We hope to be putting one together in the near future, so I'll take any advice I can get!
  • YAY! I'm glad you are on your way - and TOOT AWAY! Yes
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  • Hey Jenn,

    I love the site you used, I just checked it out. We can't use it for our profile but I was thinking I might use it for my other scrapbooking.

    So you have to buy the theme or stickers before hand and then create the page? Then do they print and mail you the finished product for your scrapbook? Or is it purely electronic?

  • There are a ton of sticker you don't have to pay for. I completed 20+ pages and never had to pay for a sticker...there are just some 'designer' decorations that cost actually buy the tokens.

    I had the 9 X 6 albums printed, I think they were $16 each give or take because we had a couple over 20 pages. It was very easy and printing is very professional. I will continue to use them for trip albums or baby albums or whatever. I love the idea of scrapbooks but am not a scrapbooker.

  • I'm now addicted to this site.

    I am a scrapbooker but old school not electronic. But I am getting really behind with my scrapbooking.

    This is pretty cool and fairly easy to use. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • great news!  i know how long putting together the profile can take, as i just sent my first draft. so far one lady at the agency said it looked great. we'll see if the other ladies have any changes that i need to make.
    After 7 years of marriage and 5 unsuccessful IVFs, we have been granted the gift of adopting a baby boy, born 4/21/11.
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