Any thoughts on this? (The full story is in the New York Times)
Studies Show Male Clocks Ticking
April 6) -- For years, the ticking of a biological clock has been a woman's burden to bear. But recent studies suggest that men may start hearing that ticking soon, too.
Last month, one new study showed that the children of older fathers had lower IQs than those who had younger fathers,
The New York Times reported.
The Times also cited studies that showed a couple's chances of conceiving start to decrease after the man hits age 35; that the risk of schizophrenia starts to increase for babies whose fathers are over 30 when they were born; that the risk of autism was significantly greater for kids born to dads over the age of 40; and that the risk of bipolar disorder starts to increase when the father is older than 29 and is highest in dads over age 55.
The paper pointed out that in most of those studies, the age of the mother had little or no correlation to the child's health.
"It turns out the optimal age for being a mother is the same as the optimal age for being a father," one researcher told the Times.
Re: Old Sperm