
Sleeping in the same room?

How long did or do you plan on having your twins sleep in the same room. ?We are thinking of separating them, only because they wake each other up in the middle of the night. ?It will break my heart to do it, but I also need sleep! ?How long did your twins sleep in the same room? ?and if it was beyond 1 year old how did you make it work?


Re: Sleeping in the same room?

  • mine will be in the same room forever, lol... we only have a 3 bR house - so they will be sharing unless we move (doubtful) or we build an addition.

    i'm praying they will be like my DS and sleep through all noises.... we'll find out! lol

  • I obviously am not there yet..  I'd try it for a couple nights and see if it works.  you can always go back.  I was just thinking that maybe doing it around the age of yours would be better and they wouldn't have separation anxiety when you try to do it later.  Maybe that's a whole fight you could avoid in the future.   Whatever you do good luck.  I'm not looking forward to doing it. 
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  • Mine have always been in the same room- they sometimes wake each other up, but those times now are SO few and far between. They have gotten used to hearing the other one so now even if one cries, the other rarely wakes up.
  • Mine are in the same room and will be for a long time since we have a small house. Like the pp, they sometimes wake each other up but most of the time sleep through the other one. My son has even slept through 2 hrs of my daughter crying once when she was sick and teething.

    In the beginning we would rush in there when one would fuss and grab the offending baby so not to wake the other one. But once we stopped doing that and let them work it out themselves they started sleeping fine. In fact when my son whines a little before he goes to sleep it helps soothe my daughter to sleep.

  • Mine will probably always be in the same room.  We don't have the space to separate them.  Mine do just fine with it.  Sure, in the beginning they would wake each other up occasionally but I found that they both really wake at the same time anyway.  Now they can completely sleep through each other's cries or fussing.  Even for naps, sometimes one will wake before the other and be talking away in there and the other will sleep right through it.  I think they just get used to being together. 
  • FloF9FloF9 member
    Our kids will be 22 months in 6 days and still sleep in the same room.  Their cribs are right next to each other and believe it or not, they rarely wake each other up in the middle of the night.  I don't see a need to move them to a separate room - maybe when they get into elementary? 
  • My boys sleep in the same room and probably always will.  I think they'd miss each other too much if we separated them.  They rarely wake each other in the middle of the night - they seem to sense when the other one is only crying for a paci, etc. and just ignore it.  Plus they now kind of chatter back and forth as they settle down for the night at bedtime and they like having the other one there. 

    That said, we do separate them for naps during the day, and we started doing that about a month ago.  They sleep so much lighter during the day that they were waking each other up and only getting 30 minute naps.  We now put one in the PNP in the spare room for naps and they sleep much better.  If yours are waking each other in the night a lot, I would probably try separating them and see how it goes. 

  • We had our's in the same room when we lived in small TH until we moved when they were 8 mths we seperated them. It was the best thing we ever did! Dd doesn't sleep as long and would wake up ds. He needs alot more sleep so it works out soo much better. They also sometimes cry themselves to sleep and keep the other one up. This made bedtime so hard. I wanted to keep them together longer but it just works better this way.
  • My daughters sleep in the same room and they will for the foreseeable future.  My twin sister and I shared a room until we were 11.  Did she wake me up, absolutely, but hey, that's part of having a sister.
  • Well, considering we have a 2 BR home (and 3 kids!) they will all be in the same room for awhile, thanks to the real estate market TANKING!  They actually don't wake each other, yet - at 10 months, and I really thought my 3 year old would wake if they cry.  Not so much yet!  :)
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