
What are you putting in your Easter eggs?

Sorry if this has been asked already...

What are you putting in your plastic eggs for your toddler?  I was thinking candy and we'll just put the candy away, but any ideas for something a toddler may actually want/use?


Re: What are you putting in your Easter eggs?

  • We are putting in candy, goldfish crackers, and coins for his piggy bank. 
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  • DD is only 18 months old so we're only putting things in that don't pose a safety concern. Of course, that limits what we can fill them with. Right now, our list includes poofs and other edible little things that she won't choke on.
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  • bunny crackers, little plastic dinosaurs, fruit snacks, M&Ms, hotwheels cars, stickers, chocolate eggs

  • coktcokt member
    We cut up sheets up stickers and put 1 or 2 stickers in each egg. Honestly all he cared about was picking up the eggs and putting them in his basket. He didn't even care there was anything inside!
  • we bought M&Ms, peeps, and cadbury mini-eggs.  so basically stuff DH and I like!! 
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