Michael Timothy and Anna Grace were born at 35 wks last thursday just
shortly before 1am. Both are doing great but still in the special care
nursery. I came home yesterday and have been a wreck ever since. I
have 2 other children here at home that I need to be here for but I
feel like I have abandoned my twins. I know they are exactly where
they need to be and getting taken care of......... my head knows that
but my heart hurts knowing that I am not with them. My mom was
suppposed to come over today and take me (I can't drive b/c of the
c-section) but she is sick and not coming. My dh is going to go there
on his lunch and feed them, but I won't be able to go there today to
see them. By the time he would get home from work it would be dinner
time and he doesn't want to take the other 2 there that late......
older one has homework and has to be in bed early for school. So that
means I won't see my babies today and they won't know that I am there
feeding and holding them. I didn't expect this to be this hard.
Re: had my twins @ 35 wks
and (((HUGS)))) I'm sure it's hard to balance the kids at home and the twins in the hospital - it's a fear i have, too.
they will be home soon enough- do what you have to do - and they'll be taken care of well and get stronger and be home before you know it!!!
Congrats! and what healthy weights too, they will be home before you know it so try to relax and get ready for them arriving home. ?I hardly slept the 3 nights that I was home without my babies, then when they where home I was like gosh why didn't I sleep a solid 10 hours while I had the chance! ?don't be so hard on yourself and try to focus your energy on the fact that you have two little blessings that where born healthy, they will be home soon with the rest of the family.