Do not leave your wedding rings anywhere. I woke up this morning and noticed my wedding rings were gone. At first I assumed DH put them away. Well he didn't, but DS did in the garbage. I was frantic looking for them for 1/2 hr before I decided to check our bathroom garbage. When I found them my DS looked so proud, almost like this was a game to him. He also took a necklace and put that in his toybox. I will alway put stuff away after this experience. I guess I should be happy he didn't put them in the potty:)
Re: PSA: For those with toddlers
The potty? How about his mouth. Where were they that he could get to them? Mine are high on my dresser, way out of reach.
My House is being renovated so we are all in my finished basement. They were on the desk pushed back so that he couldn't get them. He aparently stood on his giant teddy bear for leverage. I am normally very good about keeping things away from him for obvious reasons. My house will be done in 3-4 weeks so for now I just have to be extra careful.
I am trying to just think that when it is done I have my own Bathroom with a whirlpool tub. Sometimes I just have to get out though. We have been spending alot of time outside.