
My poor grandpa

My great-grandfather is 98. His wife died 7 years ago. Since then he has been waiting to die. Several years ago he started giving all of us large amounts of money for Christmas. He was mad when we all bought him something to open on Christmas. He said he doesn't need anything because he's not sticking around much longer.

He has lived a very full life. He was a miner and a very active man. It kills me to see him barely getting around. He loves looking at his grand/great grand children, but will not hold them for fear of falling or dropping them.

About 3 years ago he had a heart attack and the doctors told him he needed a pacemaker. He refused it. He just wants to go be with his wife :( My dad made a comment "Oh you have many years ahead of you." Grandpa stopped and looked at him and said, "Good lord I hope not. I have never been more ready to go. Why doesn't he just take me?" Instead he has had to watch his wife, daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law pass away.

He's in the hospital right now. They are not sure if it's a blood clot or something to do with his heart. His leg is extremely swollen with no feeling in it. The doctor's couldn't find a pulse in it.

Is it bad that I am praying for him to get what he wants to be with his wife? I just pray for him to have peace. I could not imagine sitting around waiting to die :(

Re: My poor grandpa

  • Wow, I'm sorry this got so long!
  • REOMREOM member

    That is so sad. What love he had for your grandmother. 

    HUGS to you and your family

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I'm so sorry.

    My grandmother really suffered at the end of her life and she just wanted to die so I know what you mean about just wishing God would take them. 

  • I'm crying as I read write this.  Your poor grandfather has a broken heart.  My dad's heart died the day my mom passed away and I think he is just hanging around like your grandfather (only he's 71).  If your grandfather wants to be called home, it is his wish.  If the good Lord agrees with this wish and he calls him home you know he'll be at peace.  Celebrate his life and I wish him eternal happiness.  May your family be at peace as well whatever the outcome.
  • #6#6 member

    No it doesnt make you bad that you hope he finds the peace he is wanting.  I work in a nursing home and there are 2 ladies (both in the higher 90's) that are just wishing to die.  Every morning I ask the one How are you this morning?  Her response most of the time is "I was ok until I woke up and havent died yet"  She is fully there mind wise and just wants to die.  She doesnt have many health concerns and gets around on her own with a walker.  She is just (in her words) tired of living.  

    So, when she dies I will be happy for her. 

  • oh, big hugs to you and your gr. gpa.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Oh, I am so welling up here.


    What LOVE! Makes me melt. Your GPa is in my thoughts.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • Sorry to hear he is so sick.  Hopefully at his age they can correct whatever is going on with his leg so that when he does die he is not in pain.  Longevity does not run in my family so I can't even imagine someone living that long.  He has had a good long life.  I don't think it is bad that you are praying for what he wants...but you also need to pray that it is what God wants.  He might not be done with your Grandpa on this earth yet.
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