When I see people driving around with an infant car seat in the car with the carry handle up. There are directions on the seat that say to put it back when it's in the car. I don't understand how people can be so careless...and I've seen this happen with lots of different kinds of cars, so people of all demographics do it.
Okay, I'm done.
Re: My random vent: You know what drives me out of my mind?
you know - I did NOT know that and have definitely left it up on occasion. Thanks for this post!!
eta: I'm pretty sure it does not say it on my seat but I will check.
I may not be remembering this right because it's been FOREVER, but I think my manual told me to leave it up.
ETA: Yep, just looked it up. It says:
The carry handle must be up when the car seat is used in a vehicle.I know that mine doesn't say that anywhere on the seat but I can't speak for whether or not it's in the manual. I alway left it up because I had this whole accident scenario worked out in my head. I figured if she was ejected from the car and landed upside down it would help protect her front side.
I don't know if that makes any sense or not but somehow I got that into my head.
It's a good thing I don't have to be responsible for an infant anymore.
Dude, different car seats = different rules.
My Graco carseat manual said to have the handle all the way up OR all the way down, but not in between.
No, it either has to be completely UP (carrying position) or completely DOWN. It just can't be in the middle, around the actual seat part of the seat. At least, for the Graco and a few others.
Believe me, I checked and double checked and triple checked when Brendan was little!
I think you've got this one a little wrong.
Infant Carrier Handle Positioning
Where should the handle be?
A lot of parents think the handle has to be down when the safety seat is in the car. This is not true! Many infant carriers allow--and some even require--that the handle be up when the safety seat is in the car.