I am getting my payback and I am sure my mother is tickled to death.
I am so frustrated. My oldest is almost 10 and I can't get her to simp0ly put her stuff back in the right freaking box. I don't know how much easier I can make it. I have all the little bins labeled even, she just has to throw it in the right one. Apparently I am asking her to perform brain surgery blindfolded with one hand tied behind her back cause she just can't do it... don't even get me started on her bedroom where I can't get her to hang clothes up neatly... hell I put them on the hanger for her she just has to hang them in the closet. Again, impossible. wtf.
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so about to lose it.
Re: Sooo freaking tired of kids not cleaning room
I feel your pain. I gave up on the neat closets. I just give DD a folded pile of laundry and tell her to put it away. She usually just shoves it all in a drawer and I'm determined to be okay with that!
For the rooms, we had the most sucess when we took most of the toys out of their room. The art supplies got moved to the pantry, the games and puzzles got moved to a cupboard in the family room, and most of the toys got moved to the playroom (and we threw out a lot and stored a bunch of other stuff). We have to redo all that though because since birthdays and Christmas, things have gotten a little out of hand again. But for a while it worked.
omg I know!!!!!!
I cant even walk into my girls bedrooms without risking a broken ankle or neck.
And every freaking Sunday they pick up all the dirty clothes that they didnt do during the week so I get a gazillion loads of laundry to do on Sunday. Now I make them do their own damn laundry.
Get them do some dishes???? Oh noooooooo thats just asking too much!
There are no toys in the bedroom- I hate toys in bedrooms.
I seriously have no idea how I could make it any easier
Oh and I usually go through the playroom every other month and get rid of at least 1-2 trash bags of stuff. They don't care. I just find it so disrespectful to me when I have asked and begged and even punished but still same freaking thing over and over again.