
Double side by side stroller that fits a Chicco car seat?

Hi!  I know I don't have multiples, but I figured you ladies know your double strollers :).

I am looking for a double stroller that will fit my Chicco car seat and my daughter.  

I really hate the tandem style and would love either a side by side stroller or even a jogger.


Anyone have any recs? 

Rylee - 3.28.08
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD

Re: Double side by side stroller that fits a Chicco car seat?

  • I spent a lot of time looking for any dbl stroller that was compatible with the KeyFit seat when I was pregnant with DD. ?Chicco does not make a dbl (SBS or tandem) that accomodates their own carseat. ?All the major brands are not compatible because they have a different locking system. ?We ended up getting the Graco Quattro Duo....the KeyFit will fit in the rear seaf forward-facing. ?It doesn't lock, but is fairly secure with the snackbar ?up. ?The only SBS that I know ?of that even accepts any infant seat is one by Combi, and it only works with their own infant seats. ?

    I hope this helps a bit....I know its nothing you really wanted to hear! ?I love my Chicco, but they are not multi-kid friendly! ?


  • I have a Bumbleride Indie twin that is supposed to be compatible with one Chicco car seat - we just haven't tried it yet, since with twins, that wasn't our main focus for picking a stroller! 
    Married - 7/29/06
    Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09 
    Mia - 6/16/11
    Surprise! due 2/23/17

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  • You can buy an adapator for the double city mini, by baby jogger.  Same goes for Double strollers made by B.O.B.
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