I took several days off of adoption including this board.
It was just getting to the point that I was becoming too involved in this board and the topics (not that you all aren't great people to be obsessed with lol) our agency's website (which posts some situations and adoptive families), and working on the last step before going active - our profile! ugh!
We went to DC for the cherry blossom festival.
PIP from DC - it was such an amazing day on Sunday and we got really good pictures of us (great for the profile naturally):
Re: Got Away! PIP
I'm glad you had a good time!
I love the pictures, especially the one of you and DH -- it turned out so nice! (The blue in your top looks so pretty next to the blue in his shirt, and the pink in your top looks great with the flowers!) Can you tell I'm an art teacher????
It's nice to get away, isn't it? I wish we were going somewhere over spring break, but we don't really have the $ right now. We'll probably do a day trip since DH took Monday off.
Ha! I picked out Dh's shirt for the day because I started looking through our pictures and SO MANY of them have him in the same shirt. Either we just like taking pictures when he wears the same shirt or he does not utilize his closet of clothing!
And, that is all we did. We took a day trip to DC. It is about 3.5 hours from us. I found the festival listed on some site (which I can't remember now) that listed free festivals and the such for a 'stay-cation' kind of thing or day-trip. I think sometimes we always look for some place 'else' to go on vacas and forget about all the great things that happen close to home - if we just look for them.
I'm glad you got away. ?I love the picture of you and your DH. ?Your shirt is beautiful. ?
I have to admit that I was wondering what happened to you. ?I posted a question requesting information on DA, and was pretty surprised not to see a response from you. ?I guess that means I am spending too much time here too, since I know who the regular posters are on a particular topic! ?I guess I need to get away now!
Welcome back
That sounds like my husband, too! It seems like he always wears the same shirts, too!
I'm glad you had such a nice weekend.
Your pics are great and make me excited!
Oh it was beautiful! And some tulips were starting to open the other day, I bet they are almost fully open when you go.