and still in shock that after IF, i had not one baby but 2. ?
that after a scary pregnancy, i made it to 26w1d. ?
that after having 26 weekers, all looks good at this point (fingers crossed) and my babies are happy and healthy. ?
i am in awe of where we came from...and i count my blessings each and every day. ?i guess the recent "early" deliveries have tapped me on the shoulder and reminded of where we came from. i try to always look forward, but occasionally look back and sit in amazement at our progress.
Re: i'm still amazed...
you have had an amazing journey!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
It is amazing. My sister has quads so we had 6 babies within 5 months. Lots of blessings.
April- I had written a few days ago, but are u in the Westfield multiples group? I remember talking to u when I was pregnant (on the nest). I just joined the group last month!
It is amazing, isn't it? I look at my girls and well up when I think of how much we went through to have them and how perfect they are. It's undescribable.
There are a lot of miracles on this board, and I am reminded all the time of how lucky we all are.
Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09
Mia - 6/16/11
Surprise! due 2/23/17
I was just about to post the same thing. We are sofa king lucky. It really is indescribable how amazingly, wonderfully lucky we are. We fought IF for 18 months, my body tried to deliver my kids at 26 weeks but with the miracles of medicine I managed to keep them in for 4 more. We still had a scary stint in the NICU, but as far as we can tell, our kids are also just fine.
This sure has been an amazing journey. And thank God for it. It has made our lives so wonderful.