
Does your toddler fight going in the carseat?

DS has begun to tantrum when its time to go into his seat - stiff body, screaming, the works.  Obviously its not a choice for him and I have to get him strapped in - if your toddler does/did this, what worked for you??  I try offering his car toys, sippy cup, sometimes a snack (but I don't want that to be a regular thing) w/out much success.  I dont' think its the seat (DH and I have different ones and he does the same w/both) and he's perfectly fine once he's strapped in and we're moving.  Thanks.

Re: Does your toddler fight going in the carseat?

  • No, but now we make a game out of it. I put a towel down on the seat, and stand him up on it. He then walks to his carseat and gets in it himself. He thinks this is the coolest thing.
  • Yep, DS went through this phase. Luckily, the phase ended because it was a horrible one. The kid is STRONG! The only thing that ever really worked for us was waiting out the tantrum. Not always an option, I know, but it's what worked best. Sometimes a snack worked.
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  • DS started doing that about that age.  One day we were going to the park and he wouldn't let me strap him in.  I told him that we were just going to have to stay home then and we did.  After that I just had to remind him of the incident and he let me put him in with no problem.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • Yes and it is so frustrating because he's super strong.  I'll let him buckle himself in and he usually settles down when I tell him I need his help buckling up. 
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