I talked to my mom...it is usually a huge chore that consist of listening to her complain about 4 or 5 things (3 or 4 of which are usually the same and she won't listen to any advice we ever give or attempt to change anything). She was talking about coming out to see us after the baby is born. I honestly don't want her here for more than day. I feel terrible but it's the truth. She is more of a pain than a help and doesn't realize it. She asks a million questions about everything (when she helped out my sister it was where does this go, what do you clean this with, how do you change the diaper, etc etc etc). She offered her help and I told her we want a few weeks to ourselves to get adjusted with us and the dogs but if she wanted to come overnight during that period she could.
She's also a smoker which I'm going to be addressing shortly and telling her that she's not allowed to smoke at all while she's here if she wants to see the kid (by providing proof of the risks of third hand smoke). After seeing the effects on my own body, I'm not subjecting my child to it. She thinks putting a mint in solves the whole smell issue too. ick
ok - so this turned into more of a vent but can anyone relate or offer any advice??
Re: anyone else not have great relationship with parents??
Me. Actually today we had yet another issue, and I am so close to being done with her all together. On top of that, even though we fight EVERYTIME we talk, My mother keeps going on about Oh don't you want me in the delivery room? Um NO. I don't want you at the hospital at all while I am in labor. You can come after he is born.
As a side note, if your relationship is anything like mine, I would be very delicate on how you bring up 'you can't smoke at all while you are here'. I never knew the stench of a smoker when I smoked. Now I can't stand it, but I had NO CLUE. And with it being an addiction, it can be a touchy subject to say you can't smoke at all.