We don't know yet if we're having a boy or girl, but I love this name for a girl. We are thinking of Eden Michelle (Michelle is my sister's name) or Eden Rose (a family name). Our last name is one syllable, starts with B. I have seen on some websites that it can be used for a boy too. Thoughts? You like? Boy or girl name or unisex?
Re: Eden
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
Lovely, and definitely a girl name. Eden Rose would be a little too theme-y for me (a garden and a flower), but Eden Michelle sounds nice. Also:
Eden Camille
Eden Julia
Eden Susanna
Eden Arielle
Eden Gabrielle
Eden Caroline
Eden Rachel
Eden Rebecca
Eden Sarah
FET #1 Dec 2013 BFN
FET # 2 Feb 2014 BFN
No more frosties
IVF #2. September 2014
PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts
SET November 9, 2014
Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN
Not sure where to go from here.