Baby Names

Lucas Lewis?

I love the name Lucas (Luke), but it's DH's family tradition to give our first son the middle name Lewis. At first I HATED the sound of them together, but now I think it might be ok???? What do you think?
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Re: Lucas Lewis?

  • Not a fan.  They are both great names, just not together.  Too sing songy.
  • I say who cares? No one really calls a  person by their first and middle name that much! I say if you like it, go for it! It's cute !

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  • I agree that they are not perfect together, but as the pp said, how often are you announced by both names?       Last time anyone annonced me using my first and middle names was at my college grad.

    Most people you go to school with or work with don't even know your middle name.

    I think it is more important that you love the first name with the last name.  That is the combo that is used in day to day life.


  • Those names are kind of awful together.... BUT, if Lucas is your favorite, most loved name you shouldn't have to give it up. You're already making a sacrifice by agreeing to the Lewis tradition. At the end of the day, first and middle names are rarely said together and a lot of people won't even know his middle name.


  • EMTXEMTX member

    I wouldn't use them together. :(

    Your child will be repeating his name for people his entire life.

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  • I think it's fine- I don't think the mn is something to stress out over. Seems to be big on this board, but it's just a middle name. It's not like you are planning to call him Lucas-Lewis. In that case, it does sound a little off, but as a first and middle name, it is just fine.
  • imagethatgirlang:

    Those names are kind of awful together.... BUT, if Lucas is your favorite, most loved name you shouldn't have to give it up. You're already making a sacrifice by agreeing to the Lewis tradition. At the end of the day, first and middle names are rarely said together and a lot of people won't even know his middle name.

    Ditto this.  Exactly.

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  • imagejolis_petits_bijoux:

    Those names are kind of awful together.... BUT, if Lucas is your favorite, most loved name you shouldn't have to give it up. You're already making a sacrifice by agreeing to the Lewis tradition. At the end of the day, first and middle names are rarely said together and a lot of people won't even know his middle name.

    Ditto this.  Exactly.


  • It's not the best pairing, but, as others have said, they won't be used that often together, so how much does it matter?  Or, could you possibly give him two middle names, like Lucas Geoffrey Lewis?
  • I like Luke Lewis better than Lucas Lewis. I
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  • I think they're fine together as long as your last name doesn't end in an "as/is/es" or begin with a "Lu/Le/Li".
  • LMS05LMS05 member
    Love Lucas (Luke)! I love family names and while it doesn't sound great, you should stick with Lewis.?
  • I think it is a bit too sing songy for my taste.  But if it is a tradition that you like then I say go for it anyway.
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