
when does winter end?!?

Seriously?  I know I'm not in SoCal anymore but it's April freaking 5th and there is snow in the forecast for half of this week.  I feel like I had a very positive attitude about the weather this entire winter because I wanted to move here, but my patience has run out.  I'm warning you Mother Nature, I am going to throw a big toddler style tantrum very soon if the weather doesn't warm up.

Re: when does winter end?!?

  • tell me about it but today is 60 out so that is nice.  Watch tomorrow will snow lol
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  • We woke up to 3 inches of snow this morning. I nearly cried.
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  • Ummm, my guess is never at this point...
  • Amanda I'm right by you and honestly I never expect it to get warm here until Mother's day. If we have some warm days  before then it is just a bonus.  Last year mid May was 40s and raining and miserable :o(. 
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  • never I swear...CHicago seems to have it particularly rough (that fabulous lake effect), and OFTEN...I always think of people in CHicago in the winter and feel sorry for them...if it makes you feel better, I live in STL and we have snow in the forecast for Monday??
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