

LOVE the new sigs!  Those pictures are gorgeous :)

Re: mollynpatrick

  • Aw, thanks! They are part of the "sneak peek" we got from the photographer. I have totally been stalking her web-site all week - I can't wait to see more! This one is my favorite so far though...


    Anyhoo - how are you??? I remember the days before Erin was born all too well. I thought EVERY night was "it"! :-) I think I drove my husband and my mom nuts. I was so sure I was in labor so many times! Hang in there - it will all be over before you know it! You know how fast these special times go!!

    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • Oooh, I love that one, too!  How are you ever going to decide which pictures to buy??  I hope you have about $1k set aside to spend on prints! lol


    Seriously, I feel like a walking time bomb, just waiting to go off!!  It's crazy.  I really think that if I had kept working he would have been born within the last few days.  Now that I've had a chance to rest and relax I feel so much better, less achy, way less contractions, and all that.  It's good that I stopped working, though, so he could stay in just a little bit longer!  It's just that the anticipation is killing me now! ;)

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  • Oh, I hear ya! I was out for 3 weeks before Erin was born. The last week was TORTURE!!! Seriously. I had major guilt b/c I felt like I should be enjoying my time with Evan but it was brutal. I was so freakin done and he just wanted me to play with him :-( Hang in there buddy - it's going to feel like this was a drop in the bucket once he gets here!!

    On a related note I think it's so bizarre that a good friend of mine from work was walking around for a week at 4cm about a month ago. I was absolutely flabbergasted that someone could walk around that dilated!!! I couldn't believe it when you posted that you were/are too! Craziness. She had the easiest delivery ever though - I think the same is in your future :-)

    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • Oh, I know what you mean...I feel so bad that I'm not able to do more with Claire right now, especially when I think about how demanding bfing a newborn is, and how the baby will be attached to be 24/7...Ugh!  No matter what aspect of this whole thing I look at, I feel so much guilt, either for Claire or for Jack!  My sil was shocked that I was that dilated, too, because she never dilated with either of her kids until she was in labor.  It does seem weird to think of being 4cm dilated, like the poor kid is just going to fall out at any given time.  I hope it's a sign of an easy delivery...hopefully I'll know the answer to that soon :)
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