
A nestie recognized me @ work tonight :)

My biggest fear!! And I am so sorry I already forgot your nest name!

I waitress 2 nights a week and waited on a nestie and her family tonight!! It was so funny - I went back over to the table and she asked if she could ask me a crazy question - if I was on the nest. LOL.

We can both confirm for each other we are in fact real and have children :) I think her husband must have thought we were loons as we talked about MrsC2B :)

Re: A nestie recognized me @ work tonight :)

  • How cool!  One of my local nesties and her twins have come into my store a couple of times, though I've only been brave enough to say hi once.  lol.  Of course, if she hadn't had the boys with her I wouldn't have recognized her at all.
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  • I was impressed she knew who I was! I obviously didn't have the girls with me! It was very neat, I'm glad she said something!
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  • Totally my biggest fear. I'd feel like I couldn't be candid and me online if people knew me irl. For one thing I am totally different irl.
  • When are we getting together? HUH?

    Oh and I;m sending you a PM :O)

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • OMG, my biggest fear too!  That's so funny.
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • Ha! ?That happened to me at a birthday party. ?I think its funny; the person that I ran into is a lurker on this board- i think. ?

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  • That was me. I hesitated to say anything because I wasn't sure it was you, but would have been so curious that I would have wanted to ask you on here later. Then I would have just been that creepy lady who didn't say anything at the time :) I hope it was okay that I said hi.

    And I can confirm for everyone that BostonMama is as friendly and nice IRL as she is here :)

  • Awwww, maxebook you're to sweet! I am glad you said something,and you're daughter is adorable!!! You'll have to come to the next G2G!
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