So, DH and I are expecting b/g twins (fraternal, obviously) very soon. Though I know I may change my mind once they're here, I plan to have more children, though DH and I can not conceive without the help of a doctor and IF treatments. I know your odds of having multiples is higher when you use fertility drugs, but does it increase even more if you conceived multiples when using drugs/IF previously, or does that have no effect?
We used IUI's and folistim this time, and I think I'd just bypass clomid next time and go straight to where we left off, unless there was a benefit to doing otherwise.
Re: f/u: twins again
i don't know for sure- but would think that having multiples with a successful medicated IUI would increase your odds of it happening again.... since you know how your body responded to the meds and dropped more than one egg- and your DH's sperm did the job.
With us- we got pg with DS on our first cycle of clomid/IUI - with one mature egg... = Griffin.
when TTC #2 we got pg with the twins on our 2nd cycle of the same (the first cycle was a bust- the one egg that dropped wasn't that great, but i had also been sick during that time).... With the 2nd cycle. I dropped 2 mature eggs - and both took.
For me- I would be fairly confident going into another clomid/IUI cycle that any mature egg would have a good chance of becoming a baby... since we know that with the 3 mature eggs i dropped- all took.... so i'd be nervous about more twins!
Thankfully we had the singleton first... b/c i would be nervous in your situation
Best of luck with that decision!
Talk to your RE about the chances... and what you can do to minimize the chances for multiples, etc.