
f/u: twins again

So, DH and I are expecting b/g twins (fraternal, obviously) very soon.  Though I know I may change my mind once they're here, I plan to have more children, though DH and I can not conceive without the help of a doctor and IF treatments.  I know your odds of having multiples is higher when you use fertility drugs, but does it increase even more if you conceived multiples when using drugs/IF previously, or does that have no effect?
We used IUI's and folistim this time, and I think I'd just bypass clomid next time and go straight to where we left off, unless there was a benefit to doing otherwise.

Re: f/u: twins again

  • i don't know for sure- but would think that having multiples with a successful medicated IUI would increase your odds of it happening again.... since you know how your body responded to the meds and dropped more than one egg- and your DH's sperm did the job.

    With us- we got pg with DS on our first cycle of clomid/IUI - with one mature egg... = Griffin.

    when TTC #2 we got pg with the twins on our 2nd cycle of the same (the first cycle was a bust- the one egg that dropped wasn't that great, but i had also been sick during that time).... With the 2nd cycle. I dropped 2 mature eggs - and both took.

    For me- I would be fairly confident going into another clomid/IUI cycle that any mature egg would have a good chance of becoming a baby... since we know that with the 3 mature eggs i dropped- all took.... so i'd be nervous about more twins! :)  Thankfully we had the singleton first... b/c i would be nervous in your situation :)  Best of luck with that decision!

    Talk to your RE about the chances... and what you can do to minimize the chances for multiples, etc.

  • I too conceived on our first IUI cycle with follistim, but it's kinda turned out to be a little bit of a nightmare because we've conceived 5.  I know that if we can't get pregnant on our own after this, our RE said that he would go straight to IVF with us because it is a more controlled environment with way less of a chance of HOM.  That said, I would just talk to your dr, like the pp said, about ways to minimize the chance for multiples.  Good luck!   
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