The doggie that disappeared while we're all out of town for his boot camp graduation.
We think she got out Wednesday night, and last night at 10pm she barked at an incredibly generous couple's front door. She had traveled several miles and crossed 2 very busy streets. They let her in, fed her, and loved on her. Then this morning they called the county animal control & got my mom's contact info from her tag number. My mom had somebody check her answering messages this morning, and there was a message there from the lady who found the dog. The lady who took Jessy in drove her over to my parents' house (where she usually lives... my mom thought she'd be okay at our house w/our dogs since we hired a petsitter). So now Jessy is safe and sound at home, and we're driving back in the morning.
THANK GOODNESS!! Today was a much better day for all of us. It's been a rough trip because we've all been so worried about this crazy, crafty dog.
Re: Update on my brother's missing dog
such good news!
that is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been thinking about you guys!