I am trying to stay optimistic but finding it very difficult...
So, last week I had some mild spotting. Dr. had me in and said she couldn't confirm hearbeat and size seemed a week too small. I decided I hated her (she was over an hour late which is normal for her, no apology, gave me my ultrasound and basically told me to prepare to miscarry). So, went to new dr (referred by newlywedcauk, awesome referral).
Same thing in u/s number two. The first was Tue, this one was on Thu. Same thing, said she didn't see a heartbeat and she calculated that I should be 7w4d that day and baby measured 6w1d. I am positive about my lmp date and usually have shorter cycles and thought that means I should ovulate early, but dr. said I could've ovulated later than I thought, creating the micalculation in the age of the baby.
We also did a 2nd hcg test. went from25ki-27k in 2 days, but she said when the level is that high you can't really rely on it to indicate anything.
So, we wait. I have another u/s schedule for next Thu and the waiting is making me go out of my mind. I have heard of mistakes before with not finding heartbeats, but can't image 2 docs getting it wrong. I suppose it could be that its something funny w. ovulation date, but more than likely its that the baby stopped growing.
How do people cope with this situation? It is so unfair. If its bad news I wish I could just know, I am grieving now either way.
Re: Update #2 to 7 Weeks and Bleeding
But, Brew, great idea that I didn't think of - the Pg Loss board.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church