Both boys have been home since Wednesday and I feel like I don't know
what to do with them all day. Most days we've had at least 1 doctors
appointment, or visitors, or visiting nurse, etc. so we've had to get
up and out of the house at least once. Today is our first really down
day and it's just me.. DH is back at work. I feel like all I do is
feed, change, and get them to sleep, then pump. I'm doing some
breastfeeding, some bottle, and lots of pumping. Anyway in the NICU
all they did was eat and sleep. They do mostly that at home too, but
are having some more awake periods and I'm not sure what to do with
them. I have them sleep in different places like the pack n play, I
wear them in my Moby wrap while I do laundry, and they hang out in
their bouncers and boppys. But other than moving them around to
different places to sleep I feel like I don't do much with them.
Should I be doing more at this point or is it normal for them to be
just hanging out most of the time (usually sleeping). They are 37 weeks gestational age now.

Re: xp: what to do all day
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