
What do I need to get the house ready?

Our main doctor said today that we might start our count down to come home in the next week to 10 days.  So I'm sorta freakin' out a little.  I smoked in the house for years and they suggested I paint everything with Kilz, so I've gotten everything painted but the master bedroom which I'll start tomorrow. In the process of painting its given me the chance to dust under everything.  I've got 1 air purifier do I need more? 

      I'm not sure if we'll be sent home with a monitor.  Everytime I ask the nurses say that a monitor would drive us crazy, but we've been watching the monitor for 2 months now I'm not sure if I could sleep without one. I've thought about renting a monitor from a medical supply house.

      My wife is so excited she'd come home tomorrow if they let her and I just keep thinking - NO! NO! not yet I'm not ready!  Is there anything you all would suggest to prepare a house for a preemie?

One nurse even suggested we get a radio for the nursery, because the babys are so use to all the noise, dings, and activity in the nicu - Is that true?

Re: What do I need to get the house ready?

  • Congrats on starting your countdown! It sounds like you are off to a great start getting the house ready. Obviously a thorough cleaning doesn't hurt anything.

    I definitely second getting some sort of white noise machince. DS has always slept with a fan on & it blocks out some of the regular house noises (like the dogs barking).

    The only thing I would suggest is to make sure you have a changing station set up & stocked w/ diapers & wipes. If you have a 2 floor house maybe designate an area on the first floor for changing too.

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • The only other thing I would suggest is renting one of those carpet cleaning machines and cleaning the carpets (if you have carpet floors).  DS has a CD player in his room, he still listens to his lullaby CD to go to sleep.  I think a CD player or white noise machine would be good.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • Don't feel like you have to be DONE per se, by the time they come home. You can also do more (aside from paint I suppose) after they get there =)

    I would also suggest a white noise machine of some sort, a good swaddling blanket (like a miracle blanket), and perhaps some sort of baby carrier (like a moby wrap) since preemies in particular like to be "contained" and feeling secure.

  • Don't feel like you have to be DONE per se, by the time they come home. You can also do more (aside from paint I suppose) after they get there =)

    I would also suggest a white noise machine of some sort, a good swaddling blanket (like a miracle blanket), and perhaps some sort of baby carrier (like a moby wrap) since preemies in particular like to be "contained" and feeling secure.

    Good l
  • Don't feel like you have to be DONE per se, by the time they come home. You can also do more (aside from paint I suppose) after they get there =)

    I would also suggest a white noise machine of some sort, a good swaddling blanket (like a miracle blanket), and perhaps some sort of baby carrier (like a moby wrap) since preemies in particular like to be "contained" and feeling secure.

    Good luck!
  • DS came home on a monitor and, even though I loathed it, it did make us feel more comfortable the 1st month DS was home.  I'm surprised the nurses are telling you that it would drive you nuts.  I think that is for you to determine.  Even if it does drive you crazy, which ours did, you may feel more assured transitioning from NICU to home with one set up.  I recommend getting one, if your insurance covers it or you are willing to foot the bill.

    DS can easily fall asleep with lots of noise going on.  I definitely attribute this to the sounds of the NICU.  It might be worth your time to get some kind of sound machine.  Homemedics has several different kinds to choose from. 

    Keep some antibacterial gel on the changing table.  This was a practice from the NICU that we continue.  Also, we kept DS on his NICU schedule - eating every 4 hours, and still change his diaper, then feed.  I think that since we had maintained his schedule, he has adjusted well to life at home.  We have only ever gotten up once during the night to feed him, which has made us more rested than my friends who had full term babies that didn't have a schedule from day 1.

    We were so nervous the first few days we had DS home and were paniced the days leading up to his discharge.  But it will go more smoothly than you expect.  Enjoy every minute - they grow up fast.  I can't believe that DS is nearly 4 months already.

  • Congratulations on the pending Coming Home Day!!

    First and foremost, you both need to STOP WATCHING THE MONITORS!!!!  Start looking at the baby.  The home monitors will give lots of false readings so it's best that you start practicing that mentality first.  

    As for getting the house ready I would suggest either a radio or just a white noise machine.  We also use a cold mist humidifier and that works like a noise machine when it's running on empty.  

     Some other things you can do is buy alcohol hand sanitizer for most every room in the house so you can all use it before touching the baby or upon entering the house, guests especially.  

    You can start wiping all the handles, door jams, door knobs, handrails, etc with clorox wipes.  You'll want to do this to your front door and the door you use most often when coming in the house every other day or so especially during RSV season.  

    Change your air filter in your a/c furnace unit too.  

    And try to relax and enjoy your little one!

  • Congratulations on being so close.

    I remember being panicked, too. It happens so fast at the end. I thought we had weeks to go and they said "oh maybe next Thursday" and I freaked out. *LOL*

     I ditto all the pps on the white noise machine.. We also use a humidifier.. even when it's empty, it helps block out some house noises etc.

    As for anything else- A place to sleep and something to eat and really you're good to go.

    You might want to make sure your friends and families (and coworkers, maybe) know the rules about visiting. Sometimes people think "oh, _____ is home now.. we'll pop by and see the new baby" and you're stuck with sniffling, sneezing sick people.

    As for a monitor- we STILL use ours (7 months later) at night because I sleep better that way. If they don't send you home with one, you might get an Angel Care Monitor (available at babies R us) or order a Respisense monitor. (You'll have to order that one online.)


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