We have been back and forth on the adoption thing, but the deeper we get into diagnostics of our IF, the more open we both are to growing a family through adoption. For some reason lately I have had my heart really calling out for older children (2yrs and up) and for siblings.
Anyone do this?
I'm itching for bunk beds!!
Re: Talking about adopting older children/siblings
we actually wanted to adopt older children and not an infant. We have adopted two boys at ages 5 and 7 and our future daughter is 6. Yes we have received a lot of criticism and "you missed so many milestones" but we really have not. We have missed night time feedings and diapers ( yea!) but we have had first bike ride, seeing our kids realize they are actually in a forever home and watching their personalities change. We have never regretted our decision to adopt older children. They came to us almost "non descript" uncertain of what they wanted to be and without a distinct personality from being in the foster care system and moved from place to place. We now have little bug and baseball loving boys and a diva daughter. Priceless and I do not feel cheated at all. I feel blessed. It takes special people to adopt older children due to their assorted and longer past.
My Blog
My husband and I are in the process of adopting a child, or a sibling group of two children, between the ages of 2 and 6 from Peru.
It sounds like you have some questions or concerns...anything you are wondering about? If you haven't already read Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft, I highly recommend it.