
Two trips to the ped today

One for a high fever last night (103.4) that continued into today.  Another because DD went 7 hours without urinating.  Hopefully our only trip tomorrow will be to drop off a urine sample.  DD does seem to be feeling better, even if they still aren't sure what caused the fever. 

Re: Two trips to the ped today

  • REOMREOM member
    Ugh, that sucks. We have been sick here too. I hope your DD is better soon!
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • I took a trip to the Pedi. today too, but it was not nearly what you had to deal with going twice.  Jack has had the worst cough for a week.  No one in this house is getting sleep. 

    Hope your DD is better soon and you can avoid more trips to the doctor.

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