
What's going on here today?

Abridged version, please. Short on time.

Re: What's going on here today?

  • triplea forces her child who has speach issues to say a word, as in bananna prior to giving him the food he wants.


    tell us the features you did not want your child to get



  • and some psycho co-worker of mine tried to buy my taco bell lunch off me-- and was seriously pissed/annoyed when I said no!
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  • I just skimmed through that post and commented really quick. ::: shaking my head:::

    Amiamish--- where is your "AE"? and your co-worker must have been one crazy and hungry mofo.


  • if you seek me is gone... I felt it was too vulgar for a parenting board... So, Am I Amish is back. :)
  • Too vulgar for the parenting board? Killing me. How do you think we became parents? ;-)
    I was bumping to that yesterday when I was out by myself.

  • LOL! Well, I've been paged as "" and I know some parents have their kids walk by.. I dunno... it made me feel bad/didn't look good. :)

    yes, that CD is in my car right now...I love the "Mmm poppi" and "leather and lace too". :)

  • Ok, well that's a good reason.

    Love "Mmmm Papi". "Kill the Lights" is another fave. I just realized she was saying "if you're feeling froggy, leap."


  • Kill the Lights is pretty good too.. her whole CD is good, but scary/strange too. Very dark.
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