
How long were you in early labor?

My sil, who is due on the 10th, has been timing contractions since 2:45 this morning, so for almost 9 hours.  They haven't changed at all since then, just keep coming regularly.  This is foreign to me because I had one hour of early labor and was then in full-blown, contractions every 2-3 minutes, labor with Claire.  Did anyone else have regular contractions for hours before it finally started doing anything?  I'm just curious!

Re: How long were you in early labor?

  • I don't really know. A couple of hours? Maybe more than that. I was dialated to 1.5 cm at my 40 week appointment. I started contractions at 20 minutes apart, they got closer together and stronger, but when I got to the hospital I was only at 3 cm (after almost 6 hours). After that it went really fast though, I went from 3 to 10 in 3 hours.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • With Ian I was in active labor and had no idea until my water broke.  He was breech so they had to stop my labor so the dr had time to get there and do the c/s.

    However, with Lila I had regular contractions for WEEKS. 10 min apart like clockwork.  The dr said as long as they didn't get closer together it was nothing.  I was having them the morning of my scheduled c/s.  I never went into to actual labor.

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  • With #1, I had contractions 5 minutes apart for a whole day. ?They didn't get really painful until about 8:00 that night. ?By 10:00 or 11:00, they were 2-3 minutes apart and really painful, but when I got to the hospital, I was still only 1 cm. ?I finally started dilating when my water broke a couple of hours later.
  • I had sporatic contractions for 2 weeks before I was due.

    On my due date, I started having contractions (mild) 6 minutes apart.

    DD was 3 days late :(  I had noticeable (not painful, but more than the mild ones) contractions every 6 mins for about 10 hours before I went into real labor (i.e went to the hospital).  Then labor was 16 hours :)

  • abt 9 hours before they admitted me. my contractions were 3-5 min apart from 1am- 10am and i was 3 cm . at 10 am i went to 5 cm and baby was born at 443.
    mila belle 3.26.07 and isla leighton 5.12.09 image mila belle aka mimi and belle and miss isla aka ileigh : ) pregnancy calendar
  • and they were really painful from the very beginning at 1am.... oh to do this again! :/
    mila belle 3.26.07 and isla leighton 5.12.09 image mila belle aka mimi and belle and miss isla aka ileigh : ) pregnancy calendar
  • I'm not liking this post. Crying

    With DD, I had contractions off and on, 10-20 minutes apart, for about 24 hours before they started getting really painful and closer together, and then we went to the hospital...I was at 4cm when we arrived.

    This time?  *tapping foot*

  • DS not at all.  my water broke, my first contraction was 2 hrs later, 2-3 minutes apart and he was born 4 hrs later.

    DD, who knows.  I was induced.  I was having contractions all night though.  Some were consistant some not.  The doc commented it could be prelabor but we will never really know.

    My friend had early labor for days with her DD.  I think she said about 2-3 days before she actually went into labor.

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