
Naps and 3 year olds

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Re: Naps and 3 year olds

  • No, but it's been about a year since he's given up naps.
  • When my dd turned 2 she no longer wanted to nap. It is normal anytime after 2 for a kid to give up their nap. Now she doesn't nap but sleeps from 7 PM to about 7-8 AM.  She does become a "bear" around 6 PM now though without a nap.
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  • my dd is 3.4 and usually doesn't nap.  Today she napped at school and she was up until 9!  So I prefer that she doesn't nap and she is in bed at 7.  That gives her a better night's sleep but I mean if she's tired at school and falls asleep so be it.
  • My DD will be 3 this month.  She still naps but she also wakes up at 5:30AM every morning.
  • Evan turned 3 in December. ?He takes a nap about 4 days out of the week. ?The other days he plays quietly in the living room with his trains while his brother naps and I take a break. ?So I still get my quiet time, and he gets a little down time those days as well. ?There are some days when he has a meltdown around dinner time, and I regret not getting him to nap that day, but most of the time this works well for us. ?On days that he naps, I'll sometimes go check on him an hour or two after I put him to bed, and I'll find him still awake. ?That was sort of my clue that he was ready to start phasing out the naps.
  • SullaSulla member
    My son napped until just before his 4th birthday, without needing a crazy late bedtime. I think it really depends on the kid. I'd say most of his friends were still napping at 3.
  • My 4 year old still naps for 2 hours and sleeps 11 hours at night,
  • Our youngest DD turned 3 in February & she still naps 2-3 hours per day.  Our older DD, who is 5 1/2 now, napped until she was about 4 1/2.  My mom says I was still napping when I was in kindergarten!
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