2nd Trimester

Not such a great welcome

so yesterday was my 1st day of 2nd tri and it was no fun I had really bad bleeding and since I have placenta privia they made me stay in the hospital all evening. They said it was probably just the placenta bleeding inside and leaking out. The crappy part is I'm on bedrest until Tuesday when my MW tells me if its ok or not for me to go back to normal life.

a day so far and very boring...... heres to hoping 2nd Tri gets better

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Re: Not such a great welcome

  • I'm sorry.  I was on bedrest for 2 days and it was horrible.  I don't know how people can do it for months on end.  I would if I was told to of course, but I'd go crazy.

    I have a question.  How do they know if you have placenta previa?  An ultrasound, internal, or something else?  I was just wondering.  I hadn't heard of it until I got on the bump.  

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  • *hugs.*  i hope the second tri gets better for you!
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  • They found out on my 1st ultra sound, I guess if they find it before 20 weeks its better I'm not sure why and I have a really good chance of it moving back up before the baby gets really big or it causes problems
    Diagnosed with ML type II at 1 year, a progressively destructive disorder. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker check out my blog http://mommaskye.blogspot.com/ Expecting a little boy! Diagnosed with ML type II at 19 weeks Pregnancy Ticker
  • aw man that sucks- hope it gets better for ya hun!
  • I had bleeding at almost the same point you're at and they found it was also due to placenta previa.  It actually "fixed" itself by our big u/s at 19w.  Good luck on Tuesday...I'm sure everything will be fine.
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  • Thanks guys I'm hoping it fixes itself I just tried to do some laundry and bending over no fun : (    made me start bleeding again so I'm back in bed
    Diagnosed with ML type II at 1 year, a progressively destructive disorder. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker check out my blog http://mommaskye.blogspot.com/ Expecting a little boy! Diagnosed with ML type II at 19 weeks Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm so sorry  :(  Hope you hear some good news soon

    btw, we had a cat named Mr Pickles too  lol

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • imageBecky262:

    I'm so sorry  :(  Hope you hear some good news soon

    btw, we had a cat named Mr Pickles too  lol

    Sweet!! I feel bad though Mr. Pickles is a girl :(

    Diagnosed with ML type II at 1 year, a progressively destructive disorder. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker check out my blog http://mommaskye.blogspot.com/ Expecting a little boy! Diagnosed with ML type II at 19 weeks Pregnancy Ticker
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