so yesterday was my 1st day of 2nd tri and it was no fun I had really bad bleeding and since I have placenta privia they made me stay in the hospital all evening. They said it was probably just the placenta bleeding inside and leaking out. The crappy part is I'm on bedrest until Tuesday when my MW tells me if its ok or not for me to go back to normal life.
a day so far and very boring...... heres to hoping 2nd Tri gets better
Re: Not such a great welcome
I'm sorry. I was on bedrest for 2 days and it was horrible. I don't know how people can do it for months on end. I would if I was told to of course, but I'd go crazy.
I have a question. How do they know if you have placenta previa? An ultrasound, internal, or something else? I was just wondering. I hadn't heard of it until I got on the bump.
I'm so sorry Hope you hear some good news soon
btw, we had a cat named Mr Pickles too lol
Sweet!! I feel bad though Mr. Pickles is a girl