DS is still in the very early stages of potty training, so forgive me if this is common practice. But it was the first time I'd ever seen it. The mom had a potty seat next to a bench, and the little girl ran over, holding her butt (which was pretty cute), and her mom whipped off her underwear and coached the girl through pooping, Then she wiped her DD with a flourish, put her underwear back on and they carried on. I have no idea what she did with the potty or its contents.
Is this what I have to look forward to in a few months? I really can't see myself toting around a travel potty to use at the playground.
Re: I saw a little girl poop at the park today
OMFG! PLEASE, say it isn't so!?
(lol at "wiped with a flourish") haha?
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Exactly! You take the kid to your car where you have the travel potty. You don't do it in broad daylight for the whole world to see.
We just started this week but we plan on taking the potty chair with us & DD can use it in the car not out where everyone can see her.