
2 1/2yr old. Increasing nap sleep, decreasing night sleep. Anyone else?

Preston went through a stage around 24 months where he would nap between 2 and 2/12 hours, but still sleep a good 12 hours at night (8pm - 8am). For the past month or so, he has been napping for a good 3 hours (1pm - 4pm), but only sleeps 10 1/2 or 11 hours at night (8pm - 7am). Did anyone else experience this with their dc?


Re: 2 1/2yr old. Increasing nap sleep, decreasing night sleep. Anyone else?

  • Actually that sounds awesome to me!

    Brooke naps 35 minutes or not at all and sleeps at night from 10pm-8 or 9am.

  • My DD is going through the same thing. ?She will sleep from 2pm-5pm and then at night sleep from 9:30pm (bed is at 8:30 or 9pm) til ?7am.
    107 Read/listened to in 2011: 91 Books/16 Audiobooks
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  • DD is doing that right now.  The only thing I can put my finger on is that the days are getting longer, and with it being light earlier it triggers them to get up earlier.
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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