on the 14th. I am scared to death even though I know it is a very COMMON procedure etc.. but still! However I know it will be worth it. Poor thing in since mid March he has had pink and a double EI at the same time and now just 2 weeks later he has another Double EI and strep. He needs tubes for sure!
Re: Scared DS getting tubes
It's totally okay to be scared! I was scared to death, but it was the best choice I've made as a mom; without a doubt. Both of DS' tubes have recently fallen out, so I am on eggshells watching him with his ear infections...
Good luck to you and your son!
I second both co & r9.
Best decision we've made thus far as parents & the coming out of the anesthesia is the worst part. L took a nap on the way home, woke up & was completely, 100% back to normal.
We had a very positive experience with tubes as well. Claire had pretty much a constant ear infection from late September 2007 until she got her tubes in February 2008. She was on so many rounds of antibiotics I can't even count them. The first ei only cleared up after 3 straight rounds, 29 days, of three different antibiotics. She was in pain constantly and cried so horribly every time she got one. It was awful. We had the tubes put in and I was scared to death about her having it done, but it was over in less than 15 minutes. She didn't even cry that much when she came out of the anesthesia. She took a good nap when we got home, and that was it, she was completely fine. Within a week she was walking, and I'm still convinced it was due to the tubes. I think that all of the fluid in her ears had thrown off her balance...she had been holding on to the furniture and walking from August to February, but wouldn't let go. Seriously, a week later she was a full-blown walker. Her speech also picked up pretty quickly.
Since the tubes she has had two infections. The first was over the summer after we went to the waterpark and she went underwater by mistake-I think the water irritated her ears and led to the infection. The last one was this fall, I think shortly after she went back to daycare, and had been sick for a couple of weeks with a cold. Since then, she's had many colds and luckily, no infections. I definitely feel like it was the best decision we ever could have made for her. Try not to worry! It will all work out.