I have the worst heartburn lately! I have never had a problem with heartburn before. In fact with my first pregnancy I had it once and I have never had it while not pregnant. I think the twins are finally crowding me so much that no food is able to stay in my stomach. Its so gross. I guess I'm going to have to start eating little bits all day so I can keep this under control. I hope that works. I'm eating tums and drinking milk to try and stop the burning. Any other suggestions?
Re: Holy Heartburn
eat an apple! seriously in 5 minutes it will be gone!!!!
i had it really really bad and got an rx for prevacid. tums did nothing for me.
If it doesn't go away your doc should be able to call in a prescription for you. I took one the last half of my pg and it was a miracle! I took it every night with my PNV and it helped SO much.
i hardly had any hb with my first pg - but the twins are a different story- i have had it so bad i thought i was going to die - but thankfully i sell a drug for heartburn so i knew what the pain was lol
i have been taking prevacid on days i know i'm going to eat a lot or have spicy foods, etc. it's cat B (it's the drug i used to sell) and works great for hb.