She is such a B! She cheated on my BIL for the 1 1/2 years. He has been sick with cancer for the last year. BIL found out about it earlier in the year but decided to stay with her. He has to do another round of chemo and she won't let the family come and stay because we now don't care for her. BIL didn't tell his friends what was going on so they all feel sorry for her as well. I normally would if I didn't know what a B she really was. She was out with the boyfriend after BIL has surgery to remove some cancer. My inlaws stayed with him. Ugh. Okay, vent over.
Re: I hate my SIL!
What a mess. If my brother had cancer, there isn't anything that could keep me away.
Why do friends feel sorry for her? Because she isn't getting help from his family??
My inlaws are going anyway. It is just $$ because his treatment is in NYC and they can't stay with him. They have to get a hotel.
All of BIL's friends feel bad for her because her husband is sick. She is playing the supportive wife role when she has really been out with other men. It just sickens me.