
I feel like a newbie!

I haven't been posting much lately and now all of a sudden there are a ton of new names!  Did everyone go and change their screen names?  Or are there really that many new people? 
Liam is 5!
AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

Re: I feel like a newbie!

  • I havent noticed that there are a bunch of new people...I could be blind though...


  • I don't notice many new people.

    Sorry you had a rough few days! That sucks.

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  • Thanks XBG!  It was just yesterday.  Tuesday was pretty great!  Of course, I just called DH (who is home with him today) and DS kept saying Hi Mama, Hi Mama!  I love you, Mama!  So, I'm over being back at work!  LOL! 
    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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