
I'm going to share too much here...

I just started a colon cleanse...


...the next 14 (actually 13 1/2) days are going to be HELL on wheels.

Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>

Re: I'm going to share too much here...

  • oh boy fun times I would say
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Your body is self-cleansing.  Why would you do this?  Not a bust, just very curious.
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  • Ew. Why?

    The colon is naturally self-cleansing if you eat a diet with a decent amount of fiber. The ick that you see on those TV infomercials is just because the 'cleanser' itself irritates the colon and causes it to produce mucus to relieve the irritation.

    The only reason you would need to clean anything out is before a colonoscopy.

    This info is straight from my mom's gastroenterologist. She had colon cancer, so there was a lot of colon discussion around our house.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • why are you doing it?
  • sooo...I guess those cinnamon rolls weren't for you, huh? 
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • why would you want to remove all the good bacteria that your body needs and force your body to start over with its defenses???

    and put yourself through that.


  • Were your  cinnimon rolls a "last meal?"  And will you be taking pictures of your poo?

    Just curious.  I would never do it for the reasons others have posted, but to each their own!

  • It's a VERY mild cleanse. It does not kill of all the good bacteria- it's not an antibiotic.


    ...and no pics of poops. GNARLY!!

    I have done them before with FAB results- it really cleases the body and soul (stop laughing at me!)

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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