what time is bedtime at your house? DD wont go down til about 10 and its a struggle (about 45 mins) to get her asleep. any tips on getting bedtime earlier?
Before Marino started daycare, he went to bed between 10pm and 12am. Once he started daycare, that went to 8:30 and now 7:30pm. I guess they tire him out there!
He went down later for the first few months but around 5-6 months when we got a set routine established he began to go down around 8. At 7 we begin his bath (every other night), jammies, nursing, quiet toys on the floor, a story, brush teeth, prayers, and into bed with classical cd on. Now that we have a routine it is super easy. That took months to establish though and even now we have 1-2 nights a week where he fusses when he goes down but most nights he lays his head down as soon as he is in his crib and we don't hear him again until 6am. Good luck and be patient and persistent.
My twins go down at 7pm and it used to be 6pm before daylight savings when we were able to push it foward an hour.
After reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child we started noticing that they would get really tired early in the evening. I think one night we put them down for what we thought was a nap and when they got up to eat, we fed them and put them right back down and they slept. That's when we figured out their natural bedtime.
We've created a bedtime ritual/schedule for them starting about 6pm of winddown playtime, book, bath, bottle and bed. We do it the same way every night. They usually sleep until 6:30-7:30am (as long as they aren't sick or teething). My daughter still gets up once to eat and my son sleeps through the night.
DD is 8 months actual, (5 months adjusted). i was wondering if she's taking too many naps (3 for about 45 mins) but the ped said that she's probably not napping enough.
Your pedi is probably right, she's not sleeping enough. After reading HSHHC I realized that babies need a lot more sleep then we think they do. You might slowly need to work on making her bedtime earlier.
This might be a really stupid question, but have you ever tried just putting her to bed earlier despite her seemingly not tired? ?Just lay her down and leave? ?I only say that because my oldest daughter would never show signs of being tired before 10-11pm and then would really struggle when I would finally lay her down for the night. ?One night out of my own sheer exhaustion, I put her to bed at 9pm and you know what? ?She just went to sleep! ?Here all along she was overtired by the time she started showing her ?signs of sleepiness. ?After a few months with a 9pm bedtime, I tried her out at 8pm to see what she'd do and she went right to sleep then too. ?Her bedtime is still 8pm. ?She is 2 1/2. ?My 11 month old ( 8 month adjusted) goes to bed closer to 9pm.
Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06
Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
DD goes down between 730pm and 800pm. She wakes once to eat (on our good days) and then wakes for the day between 630am and 700am. She also takes two naps during the day for an hour to an hour and half each.
That being said, it's not always easy to put her to bed, but I know when she's tired... Good luck, and I also recommend Healthy Sleep Habits...
Re: Bedtime?
Right now she goes to bed at about 7:30, for a LONG time (4 months-9 months) it was 6:30 and then we were able to push her back.
How old is your DD? It could be that she's over tired by 10 and that is why she struggles.
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My twins go down at 7pm and it used to be 6pm before daylight savings when we were able to push it foward an hour.
After reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child we started noticing that they would get really tired early in the evening. I think one night we put them down for what we thought was a nap and when they got up to eat, we fed them and put them right back down and they slept. That's when we figured out their natural bedtime.
We've created a bedtime ritual/schedule for them starting about 6pm of winddown playtime, book, bath, bottle and bed. We do it the same way every night. They usually sleep until 6:30-7:30am (as long as they aren't sick or teething). My daughter still gets up once to eat and my son sleeps through the night.
DD goes down between 730pm and 800pm. She wakes once to eat (on our good days) and then wakes for the day between 630am and 700am. She also takes two naps during the day for an hour to an hour and half each.
That being said, it's not always easy to put her to bed, but I know when she's tired... Good luck, and I also recommend Healthy Sleep Habits...