Baby Names

Any other nn using initials other than J as in DJ, AJ for example?

What are the initials?

What does it stand for?

Nutmeg, cilantro, sage, mint, thyme... these are a few of my favorite things! Visit The Nest!Visit The Nest! We have four children; one left us too soon.

Re: Any other nn using initials other than J as in DJ, AJ for example?

  • I know a JT (short for Jon Thomas) and a JP (short for John Paul).
  • I've known people who went by:

    DC-- Darius Christian

    LL-  Lorenzo Lucas (but this always reminded me of LL Cool J)

    JC- Julia Christine

    KC- Keith Christopher

    JL - Jesse Lawrence

    JB- I don't know this person's actual name

    MB- A nickname for Mary Beth

    JT- John Thomas

    JP- Justin Paul


    Married in 2008 - DD born in 2010 - EDD 6.15.2012!
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  • I went to school with a boy that went by TK (Terry Kade).
  • I have a K.P. in class this year.  It's a weird nn, IMO.
  • Most of the people I know who go by initials use J: AJ (Anthony James), PJ (Paul Joseph), GJ (Gregory Joseph), JR (John Ryan), and JP (John Paul) were the first I thought of.  Most of those are called by their initials because they are Juniors or IIIs, to differentiate them from their dads.

    The only friend of mine I can think of who goes by initials that don't include J is AK (April Kristin), and she doesn't go by that all the time.  It was something that came up when she played sports in high school to differentiate her from another April on the team, but it never really "stuck" as a nn full-time.  Some other friends who go by double-names get called by their initials occasionally, but it's not a very regular thing at all (AR for Anna Ruth, EG for Emily Grace, and KB for Katie Beth (also a nickname -- full name is actually Katherine Elizabeth)).
  • I know a PK (it's actually first initial and last initial because he has a hard-to-pronounce name).


  • MK for Mary-Kate (Katherine) is all I got.
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  • I know a MJ - Mary Jane
  • TC- thomas charles

    JP- john paul

    JR- john raymond

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