yeah, I may be emailing you tomorrow. I'm too sick right now to even talk and I need to talk to my DH tonight after the kids go to bed and figure out what we should do.
I always go with my gut. Sometimes I am wrong, sometimes I am right and other times I don't know if I was wrong or right (ie I feel like I should take a certain way home. I don't know if I avoided an accident or not.)
GL! There are some people who should definitely listen to their gut then do the opposite, that's pretty reliable. I'm not saying you are one of those but I think it is totally dependent on the person how good their gut is. Some very bright people have terrible gut instinct, luckily they h ave the smarts to avoid listening to it.
Like all those moms who say poor baby how can you put an infant in a crib without a bumper, all hard and rails. Now many might think that, but the SIDS rates indicate the smart ones do not go with their gut. KWIM?
So bottom line, its hard for OUR gut success rate to be much use to you. How often has your gut reaction been wrong? How much can you work it out with intellect? I'd trust most people's intellect before ANYONE's gut reaction.
hmm...this is so not an intellect decision....there is no amount of research I can do to figure this out. Investigating?? Yeah, I can try to uncover the truth a bit...but will I really know the truth or just what happens tomorrow? Because I do not know if what happened yesterday REALLY happened or not.
I know...I'm not making sense. The kids are in bed though so I'm off to discuss it with my husband now....I'm hoping that sitting on the computer crying the last hour + will make it easier to discuss without being so freaking emotional. Maybe i should pop a xanax first....
Re: Clicky Poll
If you need to talk, you know how to get in touch with me.
I'm sorry something is bothering you.
My mom always told me to trust my gut...I usually do.
I hope, in this case, your gut is wrong...since that sounds like it would be the better outcome.
Good thoughts!!
yeah, I may be emailing you tomorrow. I'm too sick right now to even talk and I need to talk to my DH tonight after the kids go to bed and figure out what we should do.
I always go with my gut. Sometimes I am wrong, sometimes I am right and other times I don't know if I was wrong or right (ie I feel like I should take a certain way home. I don't know if I avoided an accident or not.)
You have me worried.
Hope everything's okay and your gut feeling is just a little indigestion...
GL! There are some people who should definitely listen to their gut then do the opposite, that's pretty reliable. I'm not saying you are one of those but I think it is totally dependent on the person how good their gut is. Some very bright people have terrible gut instinct, luckily they h ave the smarts to avoid listening to it.
Like all those moms who say poor baby how can you put an infant in a crib without a bumper, all hard and rails. Now many might think that, but the SIDS rates indicate the smart ones do not go with their gut. KWIM?
So bottom line, its hard for OUR gut success rate to be much use to you. How often has your gut reaction been wrong? How much can you work it out with intellect? I'd trust most people's intellect before ANYONE's gut reaction.
hmm...this is so not an intellect decision....there is no amount of research I can do to figure this out. Investigating?? Yeah, I can try to uncover the truth a bit...but will I really know the truth or just what happens tomorrow? Because I do not know if what happened yesterday REALLY happened or not.
I know...I'm not making sense. The kids are in bed though so I'm off to discuss it with my husband now....I'm hoping that sitting on the computer crying the last hour + will make it easier to discuss without being so freaking emotional. Maybe i should pop a xanax first....
see now you're making me REALLY worried for you. Is your job, family, and home ok? PM me if you don't want it out here.
((((HUGS R!))))